FEDERATION des associations franco indiennes
(Régie par la loi du 01/07/1901 – J.O. n° 13 du 27/03/1996)
Siège social : 8, rue Laplace, 75005 Paris, France
Téléphone : 0609898657 / courriel : dassaradan@orange.fr / Site : www.fafi.fr
Président d’honneur : Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de l’Inde en France
Réf : 07/11/17 Paris le 7 novembre 2017
Monsieur le Président,
L’Assemblée Générale de la FAFI est convoquée le samedi 2 décembre 2017 à 16h00 au
Gymnase Jean Verdier, 11 rue de Lancry, 75010 Paris (M° Jacques Bonsergent)
Ordre du jour :
– Bilan
– Rapport financier
– Examen des cotisations des membres
– Election du Président
Les candidatures au poste de Président doivent être adressées à M.B.Dassaradane, Secrétaire Général (dassaradan@orange.fr) avant le 28 novembre 2017 pour une bonne organisation du scrutin lors de l’Assemblée Générale.
Seules les associations membres à jour de leur cotisation pourront prendre part au vote. Une association membre ne dispose que d’une seule voix.
Conformément aux statuts et au règlement intérieur de la FAFI, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir renouveler la cotisation annuelle de cinquante Euros de votre association pour les années 2015, 2016 et 2017.
Prière d’envoyer un chèque libellé au nom de la FAFI à l’adresse du Siège social.
Avec mes sentiments dévoués.
Secrétaire Général
Tél. 0609898657
Date 29/09/98
To Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee
Honourable Prime Minister,
Govt. of India,
New Delhi.
From Mr. B. Dassaradane, President, fafi.
Your Excellency,
We, the 24 member Associations of fafi, have the pleasure to submit to your kind attention this memorandum on the project of constructing INDIA HOUSE in Paris.
And by virtue of the <<Accord de coopération culturelle, scientifique et technique>> between the Govt. of India and the Govt. of France (Paris, 07/06/66), we would like to, with the support of the Government of India, establish an institutional frame work in setting up this multipurpose INDIA HOUSE.
As you are aware, for many centuries France is the melting pot of different cultures and rich traditions, as well as one of the leading country of the European Union.
We Indians living in France, feel that we should act as the catalyst in improving the relations between India and France as per the «Accord» above.
France has already set up 15 Alliances Françaises, 3 French Schools, and other educational and cultural institutions as the well known Ecole Française d’Extrême Orient based in Pondicherry. And also the french language is now ranking as the first foreign language taught in Indian schools, colleges and universities.
In counterpart , we think that India should develop actively in France its real image featuring its traditions, values and present achievements.
With this view, the fafi, kindly requests the Govt.of India to extend its full support to create a structured body combining both countries in order to build INDIA HOUSE in Paris-Ile de France.
Your Excellency, this Federation formed in 1996 is active under the high patronage of the Embassy of India.
The main purpose of the federation is to create a multipurpose centre called INDIA HOUSE which will be the mirror of educational, scientific, economic achievements and culture of India. This self-supporting House will serve also as a community centre for Indians counting in tens of thousands living in France and indian visitors and businessmen.
Therefore, we are expecting that the INDIA HOUSE project will be included in the Agenda of the next bi-annual joint franco indian commission.
We express our sincere and heartfelt thanks for your kind cooperation and necessary action to make this project a success.
Accord de coopération culturelle, scientifique et technique
History and Statues of fafi
fafi press leaflet
fafi members’ list
Indian Day program at Unesco
Mr. Ranjit Sethi letter dated 16/04/97 addressed to fafi
India house main project